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School Meals

We believe that a nutritious diet can be the fuel for our students’ success, giving them the energy to face the challenges of the day.  The Food Hall opens from 7.45 am to 4.30 pm and offers breakfast, break/lunch menus and after-school items.

In the school Food Hall, delicious, healthy and balanced meals are freshly prepared at lunchtimes along with a wide range of ‘food to go’ at breaktimes. 

There are free water dispensers situated around the school where students may refill their water bottles.

Menus - September 2024 - please click HERE (this includes details of the meal deals on offer)

Price List September 2024 - please click HERE.

Please click HERE to view the Food Hall.

School meals are paid for via a cashless system: all students ‘pay’ via a fingerscan impression that links to their individual account. Parents must pre-load funds onto their child's account in advance through the ParentPay website. Using this system reduces the need for students to carry money to school each day, and speeds up the lunch queue.

Please click HERE for detailed information on ParentPay.


For more information about free school meals, including the qualifying criteria, please click  HERE to visit the MCC website.

If you wish to discuss specific dietary requirements, please contact Mrs Jones, Aramark, via the main school number 01600 775177