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While we are focused on our students’ learning and achieving good grades, we are equally passionate about them becoming confident and successful citizens. To make this happen, we invest in their personal development throughout their time with us.

Students are part of a Form Tutor Group. Tutors work with Directors of Learning within each Key Stage, alongside a Wellbeing Manager and Wellbeing Team to provide day to day support to their students. Form Tutors also monitor each student’s academic progress and mentor them at key points during the year.

Family Support Mrs R Bailey
Wellbeing Intervention Mr P Jenkins
Pastoral Support - Y7 Mrs C Powell
Pastoral Support - Y8 Mrs B Evans
Pastoral Support - Y9 Mr L James
Pastoral Support - Y10 Ms S Fletcher
Pastoral Support - Y11 Ms E Daley

Our Wellbeing Team gives immediate help to students who may need encouragement or assistance on a particular matter. We have a comprehensive programme of personal, social and health education delivered through our Integrated Curriculum. Global Citizenship and aspects of Religious Studies are also a key feature of this curriculum area. These develop students’ awareness and tolerance of others in addition to developing their sense of responsibility to themselves, their family and community.

Students meet each day with their Tutor Group and once a week for an assembly. This gives an opportunity for celebrating success, spiritual reflection and communication with the whole year group.


If your child feels unwell during the day, they should speak to the teacher taking their lesson who will call someone from the PSO team to talk to them, find out what is wrong and liaise with Healthcare.  Our Healthcare Support Worker will talk to the student and call home to request that a student is collected, if necessary.

Please remind your child of this process – students should not be calling/messaging home directly, either during lesson time or during break.  Our system means that we are quickly aware that a student is unwell, that we know where to locate them and that we can then ensure they are somewhere comfortable and supported whilst awaiting collection.

If, however, your child contacts you, please contact the school (01600 775177), explain the situation and we will then locate and speak to your child.  As mentioned above, Healthcare will contact you if your child needs to be collected.

Appointments during the School Day

If your child has an appointment outside school during the day, could you please let the school know in advance (01600 775177) and provide physical evidence of the appointment - a screenshot of a text confirmation or a copy of an appointment card/letter no later than the day of the appointment.  This means that it is recorded at Reception and students can be signed out quickly, avoiding unnecessary delays. You may also wish to give your child a note to show their teacher, who will release them from class. 

If we are not aware of a request to leave school, either via a message or a note, we are obliged to call parents/carers to confirm a child is leaving/being met at Reception.  If we are unable to make contact with a parent/carer, we cannot allow a student to leave the school.

Thank you for your support.


Please use the links below to access:

Useful Wellbeing Resources

PHW Guidance on Common Infections