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Sixth Form Open Evening



Monmouth Comprehensive School has one of the largest and most successful Sixth Forms in the country, and is able to offer a wide and diverse programme of learning. We are proud of the school’s excellent record of success across a broad range of subjects.  Last year’s outcomes were, once again, all above national figures, with over 54% of A Level grades at A*/A, 77% of grades at A*- B and 91% at A*- C.  Students who took the Welsh Baccalaureate at Advanced Level achieved a 100% pass rate.

Our state of the art 21st century learning environment has cutting-edge technology to support the ‘professional student’, learning at anytime and anywhere. Our Sixth Form provides a stimulating and purposeful environment where all students are challenged and supported to achieve the very highest levels of excellence. From the very outset, starting with the Year 12 induction programme, all follow their personal pathway to take them onto the next stages in their life – academically, vocationally and personally. Building independence and knowing every student well are the hallmarks of our approach to developing the ‘professional student’. 

We are a school that cares for every student and we are ambitious for their success, whatever that looks like for each individual. From the arts, teaching and nursing, to medicine, higher level apprenticeships and Oxbridge, we provide advice and guidance to support our students successfully through to their future pathway. Nearly all university applicants achieved their first choice university last summer, Including 60% attending Russell Group.

The Open Evening microsite may be accessed through this link:

Sixth Form Open Evening Microsite

The Sixth Form Prospectus may be viewed on this link: