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Faculty of English

Cyfadran Saesneg

Faculty Leader: Mr N Jones


English is taught in line with the requirements of the National Curriculum in Wales and the National Literacy and Numeracy Framework.

Students follow modules of work designed by the English Faculty in concordance with the themes of our innovative skills based curriculum. All learners are introduced to writers from across the literary canon and have the opportunity to explore a wide range of genre and written forms. The Faculty is well resourced with individual class libraries, and technologies including DVD, projectors and interactive whiteboards.

In Year 9, learners will begin their GCSE in English Literature. They will complete one of three units of assessment and this will be assessed by non-examination assessment.


At KS4, students will study English Language and English Literature. In English Language, controlled assessment accounts for 20% of the total marks and the terminal examinations 80% of the total marks.

In English Literature, controlled assessment accounts for 25% and the terminal examinations 75% of the total marks.


The English Faculty offers AS/Advanced courses in English Literature and English Language.


This course appeals to those students who are looking for natural progression from GCSE English Literature and who wish to develop further appreciation and enjoyment of the subject based on an informed personal response to a range of texts.


English Language allows students the opportunity to further their knowledge and understanding of the ways in which the English language can be used. In addition to being able to develop their own original writing skills, learners will be studying a wide selection of theoretical topics, including language and gender, language and self representation and language and culture.

The course is skills-based and students will become adept analysts of linguistic data and will also have the opportunity to pursue independent language investigations that reflect their own individual interests