Careers & Higher Education Fair (CHEF)

The annual Careers and Higher Education Fair (CHEF) takes place at MCS on Wednesday 8th February 6 - 8 pm.
Over 100 representatives will be present from all major occupational areas, as will all local Further Education colleges and many Universities - including Cardiff, Swansea and Bristol. To coincide with National Apprenticeship Week (6-10 February) we have expanded the number of Apprenticeship Providers and Training Organisations who will be situated in the Main Atrium. Careers Wales will be delivering Apprenticeship workshops during the evening.
The school is pleased to be able to welcome back delegates who have been supporting the Fair for many years and are looking forward to seeing many new, exciting stands from many different sectors.
CHEF is aimed at Years 9-13 but all students and families are welcome. MCS also welcomes students from across the region to what will be a major event.
Please click HERE to view our invitation to CHEF video from Mr Hampshire, Deputy Headteacher.
Please click HERE to access the 2023 CHEF Booklet or scan the QR Code below
Once you have read through the Booklet, you might like to plan your evening following the map on the link below or by scanning the QR Code below: