I am writing on behalf of ATLAS (Active TraveL reseArch conSortium) to share our 10-minute Active Travel survey for both young people and parents
‘Active travel’ refers to travelling on foot, cycling, or by some other physically active means. Active travel can be combined with other forms of transport, such as walking to the train station, but it is usually defined as movement for a purpose, rather than going for a recreational walk or cycle. The ‘INHABIT’ project aims to understand the barriers young people experience when choosing active travel, whether the limitations are time, worries for safety or financial/physical inaccessibility. We want to give young people a voice to help us make changes.
The project is being conducted by a team of researchers across six Welsh Universities (Cardiff University, Aberystwyth University, Bangor University, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Swansea University, and the University of South Wales), and we need to know what young people and their parents have to say.
Parents - We want to hear your views on how your child(ren) interact with the outdoors. Participants may enter a prize draw to win three voucher prizes (£25, £15 and £10). Please click on the link below:
Parents questionnaire- https://cardiff.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/inhabit-parent-questionnaire-2
Students - We want to know how you interact with the outdoors. Participants may enter a prize draw to win three voucher prizes (£25, £15 and £10). Please click on the link below:
Young people (12-16) questionnaire- https://cardiff.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/holiadur-pobl-ifanc-inhabit-2
To find out more about ATLAS please feel free to view our short film in either English or Welsh.
Thank you in anticipation of you cooperation,
Dr Catherine Purcell
Reader School of Healthcare Sciences
College of Biomedical and Life Sciences
Cardiff University