Dear all
As we reach the end of a relatively short but very busy half-term, there are a number of items to update you on.
First, I am delighted to announce that we have received a very generous donation from Endurance Vehicle Solutions that will enable us to continue to run our universal free breakfast provision until May half-term. We are very grateful indeed for this support of our school community. As you know, we have been seeking longer-term funding of this pilot, which in my view should be nationally funded from government budgets. We will continue to push for this – hungry children are at a disadvantage in education, as we all know, and the cost of living crisis affects this very significantly.
Second, we are investing in increased staffing capacity again to support with student wellbeing and their academic progress. As part of this, we are moving from Director of Learning roles in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 to Head of Year roles for Years 7-11. They, along with the relevant Pastoral Support Officer and Form Tutors, will form the Year Team. New appointees will start to take on aspects of their new roles in the Summer Term in preparation for September and the new academic year.
The new Heads of Year are:
- Year 7 (our new cohort in September) – Mrs Buckney
- Year 8 (i.e. this year’s year 7) – Miss Feldon
- Year 9 (i.e. this year’s year 8) – Miss Hagerty
- Year 10 (i.e. this year’s year 9) – Mr Owen
- Year 11 (i.e. this year’s year 10) – Mr Griffiths
Mrs Guest will continue as Director of Sixth Form. Mr Curnow leaves us at the end of this term as he swaps education for a new career in the Navy; we salute him for his redoubtable efforts and dedication to his Director of Learning role here. In addition, Mr Sully will head to new challenges elsewhere at the end of this academic year after almost 20 years at MCS. We wish him all the best and thank him for all he has done to support students and staff over the years.
Third and final update: I am also delighted to announce that we have secured funding for a new AstroTurf pitch to replace the existing surface, which has reached the end of its life. This is a very significant investment not only in our school but the whole local community. It promises to be an exceptional new facility for our students. We do not yet have a timescale for installation, but we will keep you updated.
Thank you to students for their resilience and endeavour, to all colleagues here for their exceptional efforts once again, and to you, our wider school community for all of your support. I hope you enjoy a restful Easter break.
Best wishes
Hugo Hutchison